When the poo hits the proverbial policy fan, it might be a plus that no one understands what you’re saying. On Tuesday, Rudd was the only government voice on the whys and wherefores of the ETS and its colossal dumping. But because it was only Rudd — and no massaged release or the relevant minister doing the interpreting — journos, the public and even his own office were all left a little lost in translation.
At yet another tiresome hospital visit, Rudd tried to explain the intentions of the government on the twice rejected CPRS. The obvious question of the day was: is the ETS ever coming back or is it dead in the water? Well, according to Rudd it’s ‘‘implementation’’ was currently being ‘‘extended’’ but the government remained firmly committed to the ‘‘challenge of climate change.’’ Well yes Kevin, but is it coming back? Rudd extrapolated as only he can that the CPRS will be "be extended until after the conclusion of the current Kyoto commitment period, which finishes at the end of 2012."
So not really extended but to translate into English "put on hold" until 2012. And then what PM will happen in the latter half of 2012? Then the government would be in a better position "to assess the level of global action on climate change prior to the implementation of a CPRS in Australia." Oh, so you’re not sure if you’ll bring it back, it depends on other countries and what they do right? But at the same time you remain "committed" to its "implementation"? This was enough to make the best of us to reach for the panadol.
In fact even the PM’s office were not entirely across the matter, they too were busy trying to decode the PM’s rhetoric to find a kernel of information gold. Of course this isn’t new, often you have to wade through the message to get some kind of answer to a straight forward question, but with Rudd the message becomes so mixed up with the usual rambling it becomes impossible to actually understand.
Wednesday, it seemed the government was going to give the message another go and coordinated a bit more of an answer to the immediate question - what is happening to the ETS? Penny Wong went on ABC radio and confirmed yes, it was being shelved but it was all because of those nasty Liberals and their obstructionism, gosh darn them. Of course, Rudd burbled on about this being the Liberals fault as well, but none of that got through as everyone tried to figure out the rest of what he was saying.
Rudd’s special talent in all of this must be recognised. Despite rambling 90 per cent of the time, he does somewhat look like he’s talking sense; big words, lots of "in relation to", and "in terms of", lots of nominalisation, firstly, secondly, thirdly etc. This is not plain English but it impresses upon us his particular Ruddy image - a bureaucrat crossed with maybe (as Edna Everage described him) a dentist? Rudd’s natural ability to confuse while remaining smooth on the surface is somewhat admirable. You would never see Rudd completely mumbling look like a skit on British comedy The Thick of It that satirises the inner workings of modern British government.
No doubt slipperiness of language is often useful, political bread and butter if you will, but there’s a difference between it and absolute nonsensical gibberish. There was so much implication in the PM’s presser, it would have been hard to even get a ten second grab out of the PM’s press conference with any explicit message totally lost. Not that I’m saying everything should be reduced to a ten second grab but knowing the answer to the fundamental question of the day - is the ETS on hold or simply the dead dodo of the Labor 2007 election policy platform? Surely that’s important stuff.