Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Like cocaine in the '80s or flannel shirts in the '90s, Twitter has become the new sweeping trend for the 2000s. And in political circles, it could actually be making question times more bearable.Recent changes allowing mobile devices into the House of Representatives chamber have led to journalists "tweeting" question time live. The likes of the Sydney Morning Herald's Annabel Crabb, Crikey's Bernard Keane, The Age's Tony Wright, 2UE's Latika Bourke and Crikey's blogger Possum Comitatus from blog Pollytics have been tweeting non-stop during question time in the past two parliamentary sessions. They provide up-to-the-minute fashion comment, online heckling and an undercurrent of political analysis. News tweeting already exists in Britain and the US, but these Australian journalists present a unique larrikin voice in the twitterverse - unedited and informal for the twitter public. The micro-analysis could add to our understanding of the political dynamic as it happens, but it needs a dedicated audience to seek it out. So the question is, is this voice enough to keep us following?

Twitter.com, described as the ADHD brother of Facebook, is usually the place for mundane babble but recently has come into its own as a news medium. This was notable during the recent turbulent elections in Iran, where protesters were reporting from the ground. People in the twitterverse searched update terms such as "Iran" and found relevant "tweets" on the issue. Journalists are slowly getting involved, using twitter to find and discuss news. In the US and Britain, journalist tweeting is often officially sponsored by publications, often limited to promoting their articles or personal twitter navel gazing. Australian MPs have also been tweeting - most infamously the member for North Sydney, Joe Hockey, was told to stop tweeting one question time by Lindsay Tanner.

Kevin Rudd and Malcolm Turnbull have also climbed on the twitter bandwagon, trying get that tech-savvy label. But for the press gallery and other political journalists, it has become a competitive sport. Although many such as The Age's Michelle Grattan and Sky News' David Spears are only occasional tweeters, more are now gathering at 2pm at the online gate to fire off the first witty observation from question time. Along with Crikey's question time bingo, it is finally making a dull affair a bit more interesting.MPs' appearance, good and bad (usually bad), has been consistently tweeted. It was clearly welcome, for example, when Deputy PM Julia Gillard's jacket with purple piping introduced during one question time was later replaced with a more demure outfit. Tony Wright tweeting "Gillard has seen the stylist, dropped purple piping and gone for nice white piping on black and emerald top. Someone's been advising." The humour and sarcasm in these press gallery question time tweets are also a nice change from the usual straight analysis found in conventional media. Annabel Crabb during the interminable debate about Gorgon tweeted "I feel like throwing in my own question. Will the Gorgon deal help keep my hair shiny? Will it ease away those problem wrinkles?"

This informal approach seems to be unique among tweeting journalists. Twitter can have its more serious purposes for journos. They are increasingly using it as a form of communal note taking, particularly useful when someone misses a bit of the action. The extra background happenings (members being chucked out or shouts in the chamber) are often not officially recorded and can be easily missed. Crikey's possum pollytics, for example, informed his other tweeters of a recent question time stunt: "For those that missed it, Emerson finished his comedy routine, Nats and Indis held up cards with scores on them, Bob K had his upside down." These tweets, although mainly there to help inform other journos, also give a sense for the online followers of the colour and movement in the day's events. These types of incidents, of course, don't always make it into normal coverage. It represents a rare opportunity to understand the context, gossip and analysis of Parliament's goings-on.

Despite this potential and the popularity of Twitter, one can see both followers and followees getting a bit bored and not only because of the appalling series of dull and repetitive question times. One tweeter criticised, "Can't believe how many journalists covering question time in here churn out useless rubbish. Few seem to add any value." Without an engaged audience, there is a distinct potential for the commentators to feel as though they are merely tweeting to themselves, or at best each other. In that kind of environment, bloggers will probably abandon the medium. But, equally, if the audience becomes large and journalists' respective publications become involved like in the US and Britain, you would lose the informality of the Australian journos twitter comment. It seems question time tweets may never reach their potential, fading away into the milky way of the twitterverse.

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