The government has opened the data flood gates and said "geeks, come on in!" at an event called GovHack, held last weekend in Canberra.
Around 150 IT savvy people were plied with red bull and given data to "mash-up" - that is to make applications useful to the rest of us. There have been previous "hack days" but never has a government given out data on such a large scale to the nerd public to play around with. The government has always been obliged to give out information, but on a practical basis this is mostly in name only with long impenetrable lists of crime data, housing data and the like.
Long suffering journalists in particular have had to sit and read through reports and data to find a correlation or a clue to something news worthy and communicate it to the rest of us. This particular "hack day" could just be one step in many to make government information more accessible and governments themselves more accountable. But the prototype ideas are only templates and need to be funded and supported if they are ever going to reach their potential.
Hack Days are a form of "crowdsourcing" and in the past thy have mainly been sponsored by big companies. Yahoo was one of the first and has been getting their web developers to play with applications for the past ten years. These nerd fests are usually big events, going global and even finding extra attractions to tempt hard-working geeks - the Yahoo hack day Taiwan 2009 strippers were indeed fogging up a few thick-rimmed glasses
But ideas are usually the main focus.
At a BBC Hack Day 2008 event some ideas included an application that picked up on your music taste and recommended BBC DJs - and also a system that gave real-time dubbing to video. There was also a brilliant mash-up, combining a news cast and the classic iconic vision of Bob Dylan dropping placards next to Allen Ginsberg, called Subterranean Homesick News. The ideas that come out of these crowdsourcing events are simply a reflection of the skills and hard work of people willing to give up their free time to create something together, not unlike a tech version of a hippy commune.
The Government 2.0 taskforce, launched in June, and this GovHac event aims to do just that, get people together to create something out of this baffling amount of data. The winner of GovHac, a team of five people who had never met before, worked together to create something pretty special. Lobby Clue turns the lobbyist register and the public tenders register into a visualisation or word cloud to link what clients were given government contracts. As it very coolly describes itself "it correlates data about Government contracts, business details and politician responsibilities to show the relationships between these items." But this could easily have large implications as it provides an easy to use data base for the general public as well as the media, to see where money is being spent, creating greater transparency about the underbelly of lobbying in Canberra. John Allsopp, organiser of the event called this application "breathtaking" because of its sophistication and scope.
Other ideas that came out included Know Where you Live, an application which allowed users to enter in their postcode to get all the information about their area, potentially also useful for understanding marginal electorates. It's Buggered Mate set up an easy way to report broken local amenities rather than waiting on a government hotline or filling out a million complaint forms. Rate My Loo helps people to not only find their nearest bathroom but for all the germophobes out there it provides peer reviewed information about their cleanliness. The last two applications have the added benefit of being able to collect data to be relayed back to government.
It's great to see an attempt to open up government information to the public, creating a certain degree of transparency as well as increased communication between government and the community.
Senator John Faulkner's changes to freedom of information laws are certainly also a part of this.
So are we seeing a golden age in information accessibility?
Well, yes on two conditions; if initiatives like these continue and also if it is supported by the government to get these first prototypes towards the alpha and beta stage. Allsopp calls these ideas "small pieces". These small pieces then need to be "glued together" as Allsopp says with others and with government processes to make the information useful and practical.
These template ideas promise something pretty huge, a tangible access to and communication with government. We'll just have to see if that promise is kept.
The next HackDay event is in Melbourne 7-8 November.
Bella Counihan writes for The Goanna
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