Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Government tries to net votes in Howard’s domain

The Rudd government’s internet filter has always been a kind of policy duck - flapping on the surface, quacking all the right things but with lots more happening underneath in the murky waters. It seems like a repeat of just the kind of expensive and more than likely ineffective policy that will create controversy in the future for the Rudd government. However obvious to the rest of us, it looks like Labor may have not got the memo. Reports are that Communications Minister Stephen Conroy is only delaying the fight over the filter until after the election where it might be in a better position to spin it their way and have no electoral repercussions. But with the obvious problems with the policy ahead, wouldn’t it just be better to ‘‘do an ETS’’ and cut their losses?
The filter isn’t, as many have suggested, a path to a censorship hell the likes of North Korea or China, but it is undoubtedly a step in the wrong direction and fraught with potential stuff-ups and controversy ahead. For Conroy, the arguments for the filter have consistently been gross oversimplifications. Blocking access to child pornography has been the rallying point for the minister and his rationale for creating the $120 million policy in the first place. It’s hard to argue against trying to block such a thing but many have noted that combating child pornography is more than likely the PR reason for the policy, and secondly that if this was the real reason behind it, an internet filter would be a costly, ineffective way to go about it.
But doesn’t it look good on the surface? Of course, the way the filter is going down in the electorate seems to depend on what question you ask. If you ask your man in the street ‘do you believe child porn should be blocked on the internet?’, most would instinctively say yes. But when you ask ‘do you think the internet should have a mandatory filter?’, then it is not a simple yes or no, although 96 per cent in a recent Fairfax poll were opposed. It instead prompts a lot more questions to be answered. How do you pick the sites to be banned? Who picks these sites? Will it actually stop or limit in some way the damage done to children? Will it help close down the market for child pornography?
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And that’s just it - it will be up to governments, any governments in the future to decide what’s in and what’s out, not necessarily accountable to the public. And this government is no different - when an initial draft list was leaked by Wikileaks, it showed that the process was underwhelmingly hit and miss with some benign sites blocked, including famously a dentist, a Queensland boarding kennel and a lot of other non-refused classification content.
If this is really about stopping child pornography, what really worries us more? Someone watching it or its creation in the first place? By the time it has reached a PC with someone watching on the other end, the abuse has already occurred. The filter will not even remove the market for this kind of horrible product, only make it slightly less accessible while the market remains and traps more children. As many have noted, getting around the filter is as simple as a Google search for most of us. The Pirate Party in Australia was even able to teach a class of 70-year-olds who wanted to know how to bypass the filter.
To anyone on the outside, all the ins and outs of the policy - the doubts about implementation, ineffectiveness and price tag - would say this is going to be a political poo-storm for Labor. But maybe we’re looking at this all wrong. We’ve clearly not got our ‘Rudd hat’ on for this one - maybe the same logic behind the filter is behind the recent changes to processing Afghani and Sri Lankan refugees. If we look through those Rudd spectacles this looks like a similar way to send a message to the ex-Howard battlers in the ’burbs.
Conroy and Rudd can easily sit in Canberra huffing and puffing, ''we’re tough on child porn'', ''we’re tough on border protection''. Unfortunately for the majority of people that know this policy is a waste of time, that stomping in Canberra and leaving the fight until after the election might just convert a few ex-Howardites and make it worthwhile in the immediate term for the government. Until, that is, something inevitably goes wrong with a policy as flawed as this. If you’re already dumping policies, why not dump this while you can.

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